Activating the latex suite for (g)vim

In the Ubuntu distribution 'gutsy gibbon' is a small bug which does not load the latex suite when a tex file is opened. Here I will present a small solution which worked for me.

There are of course several ways to get to Rome, two are shown here:

First solution

The simplest solution is to install the latex suite for vim manually in your ~/.vim directory. This way is preferred if you have no superuser rights. Simply follow the instructions given from the official site of the vim-latex project.

Second one

But if you have the rights to modify the packages on your system, please do the following steps:

bash:~$ sudo apt-get install vim-full
bash:~$ sudo apt-get install vim-latexsuite
bash:~$ sudo vim-addons -w install latex-suite

The first command installs the vim-addons program necessary for command three. The second installs the latexsuite (if you haven't already done so) and the last one overwrites some settings on your system. The commands are shamelessly stolen from the forum sites here and here.

The appropiate plugin should now be loaded into (g)vim when you open a tex file.

Load the plugin for empty/new tex files

A last hint: The plugin doesn't get loaded when you open a new (empty) tex file. To activate the plugin please type in the following command in your (g)vim:

:set filetype=tex
I found this tip here.

The appropiate plugin should now be loaded into (g)vim when you open a tex file.

Author: Christoph Hermes, published: 2007-12-09 16:21:14